Scam Artists (Part 2/3)

What do I do now?  At this sad and embarrassing point in my life, these deplorable scamsters had me wrapped around their sleazy little fingers.  Carlos Rivero said he would fax a document from the Florida Board of Medicine which shows that my medical license is currently inactive.  I believed every word that this slimy little con artist said; lol.. I’m such a sucker.  He said he can’t fax it to my office, because through the course of his investigation he has discovered that people close to me are involved.  I believed him.  He said he will fax it to a neighborhood UPS, and he had the address and fax number ready.  So I go to UPS, and sure enough they have a very official fax that says my medical license is suspended temporarily.  I almost cried.

My charges were drug trafficking and banking fraud.  Aside from a car full of drugs, the Department of Treasury has found several million dollars in bank accounts opened under my name.  I was presented with two options; go to jail today, and be eligible for release after 21 days with a bond of up to $500,000, or cooperate in the investigation.  (This was all over the phone, mind you.  I’m such a schmuck.)  Mr. Rivero then says he will connect me on a conference call to the Federal Bureau of Investigation to discuss the case with the agent who is handling my case.  He will then attempt to convince this agent that I am not involved, and that he should allow me continue practicing medicine so that the people that are using my license will not get suspicious.  He made a very professional sounding three-way call, and a very professional voice prompt answered the call (even said press 1 for Spanish.)  He entered an extension and some very official person answered and presented himself as an FBI agent.  I thought his accent sounded odd, but it didn’t dawn on me until later – he had an Indian accent, and he was trying to disguise it as an American accent.  They continued their scripted conversation as I listened in.  The agent said his name was Jefferey Wright or something like that, and he was scolding Carlos Rivero for revealing so much of the “ongoing investigation” to the “prime suspect.”  Jefferey threatened Carlos, and said he was putting his own career in jeopardy.  Carlos continued to stay calm and he insisted that Jeffery review the 43-page report that was prepared on my behalf.  Jefferey eventually agreed to review the report.  Carlos said he would upload the report to the “encrypted FBI board” for Jeffery.  These sleazy little jerks were probably sitting around the same table in real life, but they had me convinced that their act was legit.  Jeffery then confirmed receipt, and placed me on hold for 15 minutes.  During this time period, Carlos allowed me to use the restroom and get something to eat.  Very gracious of him.  Jeffery returned to the call and commended Carlos on an excellent report, and informed me that he feels that I was not involved in any wrong-doing.  Yes!  I’m not going to jail today!  Woo-hoo!

So now the FBI is on my side – thank you God!  This smooth-talking bag of human excrement then says that verbal cooperation is not enough, he needed some paperwork from me.  He called me back from another number, and sure enough the caller ID said “FBI US GOVT.”  At this point, I was brain-washed, isolated, afraid, and really believed they were trying to help me.  The psychological tactics they used were very well thought-out.  He sends an official looking fax to another UPS store.  Again, he said it had to be a UPS store as to avoid “tipping off” the real culprits in this drug-trafficking conspiracy.  The fax was a multi-page document outlining how I will avoid going to jail if I cooperate with this FBI investigation.  It looked like it was prepared by a lawyer; it was pretty good.

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